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Issues 64 - 70, 1990 - 1999


November 28, 2021

Issues 55 - 63, 1980 -1990


November 27, 2021

Issues 44 - 54, 1970 -1979


November 26, 2021

Issues 21 - 43, 1961-1969


November 25, 2021

Issues 1 - 20, 1953-1960


November 24, 2021

Hawke's Bay Branch Centurians

The first two Branch centurions were celebrated in 2019.Another milestone was celebrated by the Hawke's Bay Branch - two more members celebrated their 100th birthdays in 2021. Audrey Densham's birthday was in July, and Isa Anderton's was in October.Branch Committee members and their spouses took both these wonderful ladies out for their complimentary lunch at The Thirsty Whale Restaurant in Ahuriri Napier.Audrey's lunch was at the end of July, and Isa's at the end of October. Both ladies were pr...

November 11, 2021

Hawke's Bay Branch Members Meeting November 2021

There was a slightly smaller attendance of 56 members at our recent Hawke's Bay Founders Branch "Members meeting" due to Covid restrictions. The meeting, postponed from August, was hosted by Paddy Bayley, Hawke's Bay Founders president, and National & Branch Vice President Kath La Rooy. The afternoon meeting held at St John's church Hall, Hastings provided new members with an ideal opportunity to be warmly welcomed and to meet with existing members.Members attending were delighted to welcome two...

November 11, 2021

Hawke's Bay branch visit to Ormondville

A recent Sunday excursion took 65 members of Hawke's Bay Founders by charter coach to the historical area of Ormondville. South of Waipukurau and near Norsewood, Ormondville is right in the heart of an area settled by Scandinavian families in the nineteenth century.The trip proved a special delight for many as the settlement and farms are just to the east of the busy Highway 2 and so it is missed by travellers driving the main route into Hawke's Bay. Including many of our members who had not bee...

October 17, 2021

NZ Founders 2021 AGM, Tauranga

NZ Founders finally hosted the 2021 AGM under Level 2 conditions in Tauranga on 25th September after it had been postponed from August when the country was in Level 4.With absence of Auckland branch (for the second year running), the remaining active branches met in Tauranga. The AGM passed a remit to allow future AGMs to proceed without members being present in person, should we find ourselves in this position again.Alan de la Mare was elected President as Paddy Bailey was standing down after 5...

October 17, 2021

Hawke's Bay branch winter lunch

77 members of the Hawke's Bay branch of the New Zealand Founders Society met in early July for their winter lunch, held at the historic Cheval Room at the Hastings Racecourse.New Zealand National President and Branch President Paddy Bayley welcomed guests, including National Secretary Carolyn Adams. She announced it was an honour for our Branch to have three of the fourNew Zealand Founders Society Executive members present – Secretary Carolyn Adams, Vice President Kath La Rooy, and herself. Pa...

July 20, 2021

Hereworth Essay Competition

New Zealand Founders Society National President and Hawke's Bay President Mrs Paddy Bayley recently announced the winning entries in the essay competition this Branch of the society has run at Hereworth School, Havelock North. This is the third time Hereworth boys have participated in this competition since 2017.The boys in years 7 and 8 were invited to write an essay entitled 'My Family – A new life in New Zealand'. Participants were encouraged to research family records and discuss the new...

July 20, 2021

Waikato branch - Lunch and tour of Classic Car Museum

On 17 June 2021 the Waikato branch met for lunch and a tour of the Classic Car Museum....

June 19, 2021

Book Award Recipient, Alan Livingstone, launch of "Te Pahu, A history"

Recipient of the 2020 Research/Book Award, Alan Livingstone launched his book, Te Pahu, A history on 13th June 2021. Former Prime Minister, third generation Te Pahu resident, and former pupil of Te Pahu school, Helen Clarke was on hand for the launch....

June 16, 2021

Hawke's Bay Branch Mystery Trip May 2021

Due to Covid restrictions in May 2020, the annual Mystery Trip organized by Branch Secretary Richard Bayley, was postponed until May this year. These trips are very popular and we had a full 57 seater coach.To quote a member: "Anticipation mounted as we set off from Havelock North, we really had no idea what was in store".A commentary on historic places of interest was given by Branch President Paddy Bayley.We travelled north from Napier, past the Hawke's Bay Airport noting the historic icons -...

June 5, 2021

Waikato Branch April meeting

The April meeting of the Waikato Branch saw an "Antiques Roadshow" style of presentation from Roger McGirr, Antiques dealer and Waikato branch member.Photo - Roger McGirr with some fo the antiques on display....

May 20, 2021

Waikato Founders ANZAC Day

Every year the Waikato Branch of NZ Founders lays a wreath at the ANZAC memorial.Kaye Forster-Hill with the 2021 wreath....

May 20, 2021

Hawke's Bay Branch AGM 2021

At its Forty-First Annual General Meeting held at Hastings in March 2021, the Hawke's Bay branch of New Zealand Founders was pleased to learn its current situation is sound.Seventy-five branch members enjoyed conviviality, hearing an update of the branch's business and activities over the 2020 year, an interesting speaker on the topic of New Zealand's founding by the New Zealand Company, and all capped off by an excellent afternoon tea ̶ featuring those delicious scones!Members were delighted...

April 3, 2021

Waikato Branch trip

Waikato Branch enjoyed a Tour of Woodlands Homestead followed by Devonshire tea at Prof's Cafe....

March 23, 2021

Hawke's Bay Branch Annual New Year Luncheon

In her welcome, at our Annual New Year Lunch in the Havelock North Function Centre Branch President Paddy Bayley, made special mention of the disruption COVID 19 had on everyone during 2020.The 80 members attending were completely unaware that this was not only a very special day but also a special year for their Branch President. They soon found that they needed to be in good voice for what was about to occur. 40 years ago, in February 1981, Paddy joined NZ Founders Society as a member of the W...

February 10, 2021

Hawke's Bay branch trip to Oruawharo

At the end of November Paddy and Richard Bayley organized a real treat for the Hawke's Bay Founders Society Christmas end of year outing. Unfortunately the weatherman had not received the message and the day was not ideal. This however did not spoil the day but enhanced it as we had a second chance to spend time in the wonderful old Church.A coach load of participants collected from Napier, Taradale, Hastings and Havelock North had a comfortable drive to 'Oruawharo' near Takapau. An interesting...

December 5, 2020

Waikato Branch Christmas function

Some photos from the 2020 Christmas function of the Waikato Branch.Members at the Christmas function listen to a Christmas poem from Hilary Bedggood.Hilary BedggoodNew members with their certificates - Neil Curgenven, Marilyn Hopkins, Kathy Little...

November 27, 2020

Wanganui Branch bus trip

For the final meeting of 2020, the Wanganui branch took a sight-seeing tour of many of the historical places in Wanganui aboard a London double decker bus. A great day out and barely skimmed the surface of what there was to see.Photos:Members outside the bus.The top deck of the bus....

November 27, 2020

Waikato Branch welcomes new member

At its last meeting the Waikato Branch welcomed its newest member, Pam Meads, seen here being presented with her certificate by Branch Chairperson, Carolyn Adams....

November 13, 2020

Hawke's Bay Branch Wairoa Coach Trip November 2020

Early November Hawke's Bay members ventured on a two hour coach trip into new territory.... A day trip to Wairoa. On all our coach trips we have three collection places to assist our members who live in Havelock North, Hastings and Taradale areas. It was an early start and a reasonably long day, but extremely rewarding and enjoyable. An excellent commentary on the drive to Wairoa was given by a Branch Member Lyn Sturm who is very familiar with this area. Members enjoyed the stories of her ...

November 10, 2020

Hawke's Bay Branch October meeting

The October meeting of the Hawke's Bay Branch of the New Zealand Founders' Society was held at the Blue Water Conference Centre, Ahuriri, Napier. It was perfect sunny day worthy of our Hawke's Bay climate and the venue with a lovely view out to the Marina ideal for the occasion. Sixty five members met at twelve o'clock for a nice chat before lunch. President Paddy welcomed guests and members, making special mention of member Isa Anderton who celebrates her ninety ninth birthday next week. Six ne...

October 20, 2020 Posts 76-100 of 107 | Page prev next