Auckland Branch meeting
The Auckland Branch was invited to join the North Shore Historical Society to listen to Lisa Truttman's talk about the original old Auckland Gaol and Courthouse that was situated on the corner of Queen and Victoria Streets. John Webster gave a short introductory presentation which included information about the upcoming Auckland Heritage Festival starting on the 1st October–16th October. For further information about the Festival visit and copies of the booklet with all...
October 1, 2022Auckland Branch Visit
Several members of the Auckland Branch visited Highwic to enjoy baking from an authentic coal range. Highwic volunteers baked Ginger Gems, Boiled Fruit Loaf, a vegan Lemon Drizzle Cake, Chocolate Chip Oaty Biscuits, all recipes from old Highwic recipes. Highwic has a wonderful collection of vintage irons ranging from light-weight to extremely heavy versions. It was a lovely afternoon spent exchanging memories of the past. A big thank you to the Highwic volunteers for a wonderful visit. For more ...
October 1, 2022Wairarapa Branch recent activities
August was Family History Month and our branch put up displays in both Carterton and Greytown event centres. The local Historical Society had a large display as well and we will look at doing that again next year. We need to choose a theme such as the early settlers or the maori or whalers and take a leaf from the Historical Society book by having a speaker on the subject we choose open to the public.Sunday, 11th September was Daffodil Day in Carterton. The branch had a stall there to promot...
October 1, 2022Hawke's Bay branch trip September 2022
A "week day trip" wow, this was something very new for Hawke's Bay members! As usual, our members know to "expect the unexpected". This trip certainly did not disappoint. A hail shower at lunch time, then "escorted" on our drive home by a Pilot Vehicle, with "Wide Load" sign.Leaving Taradale, we travelled to the historic country village of Onga Onga to visit the famous 140 year old "Coles Building". The restoration of this New Zealand Heritage Category 1 listed building built in 1878 is mana...
September 23, 2022Hawke's Bay branch members meeting - August 2022
On Sunday 21st August sixty-six Members attended our Branch annual "Members Meeting" held at the Taradale Anglican Church hall. Branch President, Paddy Bayley presented two new members with their membership certificates and badges.The format for these meetings is well established from previous years. Branch Vice President, Kath La Rooy introduced the four members who spoke for approximately 10 minutes on their family history. It was not surprising to hear fruit orchards featured often in famil...
September 1, 2022Hawke's Bay Branch winter lunch
Once again, the historic Cheval Room at the Hastings Racecourse was an ideal venue for members of the Hawke's Bay branch of the New Zealand Founders Society to meet for their annual winter lunch. 74 attended including National Secretary, Carolyn Adams.Three new members received their Membership certificates from National Secretary, Carolyn Adams.Branch President Paddy Bayley showed members the trophy presented by New Zealand Founders Society for the Branch with the most new members during the p...
July 8, 2022Adrian Gover 1936-2022
It is with much sadness that we mark the passing of Reverend Canon Adrian Donald Gover.Adrian Gover served as National President from 2013 to 2017, Waikato Branch President from 2012 to 2020 and received the Waikato Branch Service Award in 2018.During his time as National President, he began the modernisation process of the Society with introducing tele-conferencing to a new structure for conducting Executive meetings.His ancestors, Joseph & Rachel Duncan arrived on the "Fifeshire" to Nelson in ...
July 6, 2022Wanganui Branch hosts the 2022 AGM of NZ Founders Society
On the weekend of 18 June 2022, the Wanganui Branch of NZ Founders Society hosted the Annual General Meeting at the Grand Hotel.The Grand Hotel is a beautiful old building in central Wanganui, the luncheon for 42 members was superb as were the dinners on Friday and Saturday evening for those staying over at the hotel.Prior to the commencement of the day, a number of members had an exclusive presentation and viewing of the stained glass windows in the Council Chambers across the road from The Gr...
July 6, 2022Waikato Branch meeting May 2022
The Waikato Branch met at Gail's of Tamahere in May 2022. New member, Glenda Rodger receives her certificate from branch president, Carolyn Adams. Glenda's mother and grandmother were Founders members....
June 8, 2022Taranaki Branch visit to Tawhiti Museum
The Taranaki Branch met at Tawhiti Museum in Normanby, Hawera on 27 May for a behind the scenes look at how Nigel Ogle, the owner, creates his diorama's, fauna and figures for the displays at this world renowned museum. He tells the stories of times past and local history making them a visual display that all ages can relate to....
May 28, 2022Hawke's Bay Branch Mystery Trip - May 2022
On a beautiful sunny autumn morning, the 56 members enthusiastically boarded the Coach for their annual Mystery trip, organized by Secretary Richard Bayley.Travelling past two of the most famous vineyards in Hawke's Bay, Mission Estate Winery and Church Road Winery, in her commentary President Paddy Bayley informed members the Mission Estate Winery has the distinction of being the birthplace of New Zealand wine. New Zealand's first recorded commercial sale of wine was in 1870. Taradale, is an...
May 16, 2022Hawke's Bay Branch AGM 2022
The Hawke's Bay Branch of New Zealand Founders, postponed from March due to Omicron, was held on 24th April. The only Covid Regulation we had to abide by was wearing of masks. Members were delighted to welcome guest speaker NZ Founders National President Alan De La Mare. This was his third visit to our Branch.Prior to the official business, Branch President Paddy Bayley, asked the forty four members to take a short time of reflection, due to ANZAC remembrance the next day. Members then recit...
May 7, 2022Taranaki Branch AGM 2022
Tony Parr spoke on the occasion of the 181st anniversary of the first settlers on the William Bryan on 30 March 1841. A copy of Tony's speech is attached to this article....
May 7, 2022Waikato Branch lay wreath on Anzac Day
NZ Founders' Society families' war dead and serving were appropriately commemorated in Hamilton. Our Waikato Branch's wreath was laid at thecenotaph by committee member Kaye Forster-Hill. The weather was cool but remained fine. A feature at the end of the service was a fly-past by an AirForce Orion aircraft....
May 7, 2022Auckland Branch AGM held 29th March 2022
On Tuesday 29th March 2022, a small group of Auckland members met at Mojo's for the branch AGM.National President, Alan de la Mare and National Secretary, Carolyn Adams also attended.Following the meeting they gathered at the Founders Story Board on the waterfront.Photos:Lunch at Mojo'sFounders Story Board - Alan de la Mare (National President), John Webster (Auckland Branch Chairperson), Su Peace (Auckland Branch Treasurer) with Carolyn Adams (National Secretary) behind the camera....
April 12, 2022Wairarapa Branch AGM held March 2022
The Wairarapa Branch held its AGM on the 22nd March 2022.A good number of Members attended, and a lively, interactive meeting ensued.Alan De La Mare was re-elected as President and the majority of the previous committee was re-elected also. We welcomed Geoff Doring onto the committee, with his wealth of experience in governance deliverance.A new member, Bob Campbell was admitted to the Society and he later presented a fascinating outline of his family history and his personal working life and li...
March 25, 2022Waikato Branch February meeting
February 21, 2022Waikato Branch Visit to the Creamery
February 16, 2022Hawke's Bay Branch New Year lunch
At our Annual New Year Lunch in the Taradale Club, Branch President Paddy Bayley welcomed 72 members. We were delighted to welcome one of our delightful centurions, Audrey Densham. Paddy made special mention of how fortunate our Branch was to be meeting today with Omicron gradually spreading in the country.During the afternoon two members received their New Zealand Founders membership certificates and badges. Four more new members should have received their certificates, but unfortunately, t...
February 2, 2022Wairarapa Branch Christmas lunch
Wairarapa Branch Christmas Luncheon was held on Sunday 5th December at the Services Club in Masterton.The room had been decorated with copies of Posters which our forefathers would have seen, some of the boats which brought them to New Zealand, a replica of the New Zealand Company flag and a copy of a postage stamp issued in 1940 to commemorate 100 years of the arrival in Petone Wellington. We had also borrowed a beautiful replica of the Endeavour which had taken Mr Kit Allen seven years to re...
December 10, 2021Hawkes Bay Branch Christmas Coach Trip 2021
62 members, including New Zealand Founders National President Alan De La Mare, went on our annual "Christmas Coach trip" at the end of November. This year we ventured into the beautiful Hawke's Bay countryside between Hastings and Ruahine Ranges. The trip proved a special delight for many as they had never ventured off the main roads.Access to our lunch venue at Hawkesridge Olive Grove and Winery at Maraekakaho was rather precarious for our usual 57 seat coach; two smaller coaches managed it...
December 5, 2021Waikato Branch Christmas dinner 2021
The Waikato Branch of NZ Founders enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner after three previous meetings went the way of many with lockdowns forcing cancellation.Photos:Christmas dinnerMiriam Farrell tells about her favourite Christmas present received as a childRoger McGirr receives his new membership certificate with a further 4 ships added from Branch President, Carolyn Adams....
December 5, 2021Issues 82 - 89, 2010 - 2017
November 30, 2021Issues 71 - 81, 2000 - 2009
November 29, 2021Research Award Book Launch 27th November 2021
On a balmy Hawke's Bay afternoon, in the beautiful gardens at historic Duart House, Michael Fowler, Hawke's Bay historian, launched "A Beacon on the Hills"."When Duart was new, it stood out like a beacon on the bare hills of Havelock".It is a new social history of Duart House and the McLeans of Havelock NorthAuthor, Rose Chapman, recipient of the 2018 New Zealand Founders Research Book Award, was a former resident kaitaiki (caretaker and guardian) at Duart House from 2008 to 2013. Rose now lives...
November 29, 2021 Posts 51-75 of 107 | Page prev next