Hawke's Bay Branch Lunch

This year, Valentine’s Day was made very special for a group of Hawke’s Bay members. Faye Sheriff our new “Commander” had organized a lovely lunch in Taradale. Many arrived in Art DecoRead more

Hawke's Bay Luncheon

On a sunny but pleasantly mild day, 51 guests gathered at the Taradale Bridge Club Rooms, located in the picturesque Park Island Recreation Grounds, Napier. This was the first event held under theRead more

Waikato branch outing to Waiuku with Auckland branch

Waikato Branch invited Auckland Branch to join them at an outing in Waiuku. We started at Waiuku Museum, a very full and interesting place to explore. One of our Members, Joy Carter posed outside aRead more

Hawke's Bay Branch trip to Feilding Coach House Museum trip

Sunday 24th November, members boarded the coach for the 3 hour trip from Havelock North to Feilding Coach House Museum, "A hidden gem of history waiting to be explored". Due to being a very long day,Read more

Auckland Branch funds study into the merits of Auckland's heritage Special Character Areas

Josh Howie, an Auckland University Masters student, was funded by the Auckland Branch of NZ Founders. A link to the Auckland City Council report which includes his report (page 22) is here.Read more

Hawke's Bay Branch visit to Smedley Station and Waipawa

On Sunday 6th October, 55 members boarded the coach for the very scenic drive out into the Kahuranaki and Elsthorpe areas east of Havelock North to Waipawa. Our lunch venue was the Historic WaipawaRead more

Taranaki Branch pay tribute to George Mason

No doubt, you are all aware the Dr. George Mason passed away in September. George has been a valued member for 10 years with our group. He was a very generous philanthropist within the localRead more

Hawke's Bay Branch Meeting - August 2024

Branch President Paddy Bayley warmly welcomed the 60 people attending the August lunch meeting at the Taradale RSA. When she presented two new members with their Membership Certificates, Paddy notedRead more

Taranaki Branch meeting - August 2024

10 members met on 9 August at the Genealogy rooms to hear from Peter Rankin, the story of his early life in New Plymouth and his great great grandfather, William Batten. William, a widower with 7Read more

Hawke's Bay Branch Winter lunch - June 2024

"I WOULD NOT STEP BACK…" A large banner, featuring a photograph of a wartime hero, with a British fighter plane on fire in the background, with the words: 168 Condemned Allied Airmen A Nazi firingRead more

Waikato Branch visit to Matangi Dairy Factory - June 2024

Waikato Branch visited the old Matangi Dairy Factory where Harry Mowbray gave a very interesting presentation on the history of the factory and the present day use by the Mowbray Family Trust.Read more