Hawke's Bay Branch October meeting
The October meeting of the Hawke's Bay Branch of the New Zealand Founders' Society was held at the Blue Water Conference Centre, Ahuriri, Napier. It was perfect sunny day worthy of our Hawke's Bay climate and the venue with a lovely view out to the Marina ideal for the occasion. Sixty five members met at twelve o'clock for a nice chat before lunch. President Paddy welcomed guests and members, making special mention of member Isa Anderton who celebrates her ninety ninth birthday next week. Six ne...
October 20, 2020Wairarapa Branch hosts the 81st AGM of NZ Founders Society
The 81st AGM of the NZ Founders Society was held on 15th August 2020 at the Copthorne, Solway Park, Masterton. Covid-19 had postponed the AGM that was normally held in June each year. This time around, the AGM went ahead but the Auckland delegate was unable to attend due to the second round of Level 3 lockdowns, but joined in listen-only mode via teleconferencing. Bay of Plenty branch attending via video conferencing link and were able to fully participate in the voting and discussions.Only the ...
August 17, 2020AGM confirms healthy position for Hawke's Bay Founders branch
More than 70 members of the Hawke's Bay branch of the New Zealand Founders Society met in early July for their AGM, and learned their branch was in good heart with a growing membership and good reserves of funds.Held at the historic Cheval Room at the Hastings Racecourse, branch (and national) president, Paddy Bayley, explained the main events of the 2019-20 year and outlined some of the major events that lay ahead. The AGM had been scheduled for March but was postponed to July owing to the Covi...
July 8, 2020Wanganui Branch meeting at Bushy Park
The Wanganui Branch of NZ Founders met at Bushy Park in February 2020.Photos:Some of the members of the Wanganui Branch enjoying the elegant silver service and bone china afternoon tea in the dining room at Bushy Park Homestead.Some more of our group in the breakfast room....
March 20, 2020Waikato Branch February meeting
The Waikato Branch of NZ Founders met in February 2020.Photos:Kaye Forster-Hill dressed as her ancestor, told about her ancestral home "Windy Hall" in the 1700'sPeter Telfer at our February meeting tells a little about his Family. Peter had not previously attended a meeting for the past thirty years so it was great to welcome him back.Waikato President, Adrian Gover presents new member, Patrick Cummings with his Certificate...
March 1, 2020Hawke's Bay Branch New Year Luncheon
On an extremely hot Hawke's Bay summer's day, February 2nd 2020, 81 members attended our Annual New Year Lunch in The Norfolk Lounge Restaurant at the Napier R.S.A. We were delighted to welcome our good friends Audrey & Ian Henderson from Bay of Plenty Branch.In her welcome, Branch President Paddy Bayley, made special mention of the exceptionally busy year in 2019 when our Branch celebrated our 40th Anniversary; thanking everyone who supported all the celebrations.Members were informed that th...
February 13, 2020Waikato Branch Christmas function
Miriam Farrell telling a Christmas story at the November Christmas meetingPresident Adrian Gover presents new Member Annette Mudford with her certificate...
January 20, 2020 Posts 101-107 of 107 | Page prev