Hawke's Bay Branch New Year Luncheon

On an extremely hot Hawke's Bay summer's day, February 2nd 2020, 81 members attended our Annual New Year Lunch in The Norfolk Lounge Restaurant at the Napier R.S.A. We were delighted to welcome our good friends Audrey & Ian Henderson from Bay of Plenty Branch.

In her welcome, Branch President Paddy Bayley, made special mention of the exceptionally busy year in 2019 when our Branch celebrated our 40th Anniversary; thanking everyone who supported all the celebrations.

Members were informed that the Bulletin editor, Peter Watt notified New Zealand Founders Executive that the 2019 publication is his 5th and last. Although Peter and Margaret were unable to attend the lunch, members showed their appreciation for his dedication to New Zealand Founders. Paddy then introduced the new Bulletin Editor, our Branch Committee member, Stephanie Drew. Stephanie has assisted Peter with the setting up of these past 5 publications. Stephanie had the honour of reading our special Founders Grace prior to commencement of the meal.

Our guest speaker was Rose Chapman, recipient of NZ Founders Research award in 2018. The full title of her book is "House of Mysteries; A History of Duart and the McLean Family of Havelock North, New Zealand". Rose hopes to have the book available in the later part of this year. Many of our members had heard Rose speak about Duart and the McLeans before. This time her power-point presentation included the difficulties and delights of researching a non-fiction book on Duart history.

Attached Photos:

Hawke's Bay Branch president Paddy Bayley, guest speaker Rose Chapman, branch members Michael & Robin Gordon

Hawke's Bay Branch Secretary/Treasurer Richard Bayley & wife Paddy, NZ Founders National President & Branch President

New member Lyn Eyles receiving her NZ Founders membership certificate from Branch President Paddy Bayley