Hawke's Bay branch winter lunch

77 members of the Hawke's Bay branch of the New Zealand Founders Society met in early July for their winter lunch, held at the historic Cheval Room at the Hastings Racecourse.

New Zealand National President and Branch President Paddy Bayley welcomed guests, including National Secretary Carolyn Adams. She announced it was an honour for our Branch to have three of the four

New Zealand Founders Society Executive members present – Secretary Carolyn Adams, Vice President Kath La Rooy, and herself. Paddy also mentioned, that, after 4 years as National President, she would not be seeking re-election at the New Zealand Founders forthcoming Annual General Meeting in Tauranga in August.

The announcement of the formation of a new Branch "Remote Branch" by National Executive was received with great interest. This branch is for members who live in isolated or areas where there are no active branches. Initially managed by the National Secretary, members will receive a Membership certificate and badge along with regular newsletters. This branch already has four members

Six new members received their Membership certificates from National Secretary Carolyn Adams.

Our Branch acknowledged another centurion – Audrey Densham, who was celebrating her 100th birthday in a few days time.

Following an excellent buffet luncheon, members watched a film made by TW Productions - "Packets to Puketitiri". This was a commemorative run from Ahuriri, Napier to the site of the former timber mill at Puketitiri by seven traction engines. Over a hundred years ago they plied their wares from Puketitri to the Napier Port. Among these, the largest was the Dixie Flyer and The Mistress. The film followed these engines, from dawn to dusk each day, through good and bad moments, drizzle and rain, up hill and down dale, until they reached their destination on day two in beautiful sunshine. It certainly brought back memories of a "bygone era".

Members were very interested to see a few scenes of the former Lemon Museum at Puketitiri. An interview with Mr. Lemon, the founder of the original collection brought back many memories. This collection has been relocated to Eskdale, by a grandson. Members visited this museum on their Mystery trip earlier in the year.

A lovely way to spend a Sunday.


New Members Left to right: Paddy Bayley (National President), Nancy Smith, Peter Marshall, Gail Scully, Dorothy Dallimore, Carolyn Adams (National Secretary), Daryl Moore, Belinda Moore

Centurion Audrey Densham

"Dixie Flyer" hauling packets of sawn timber