There was a slightly smaller attendance of 56 members at our recent Hawke's Bay Founders Branch "Members meeting" due to Covid restrictions. The meeting, postponed from August, was hosted by Paddy Bayley, Hawke's Bay Founders president, and National & Branch Vice President Kath La Rooy. The afternoon meeting held at St John's church Hall, Hastings provided new members with an ideal opportunity to be warmly welcomed and to meet with existing members.
Members attending were delighted to welcome two family groups and more importantly two new younger members. The format for these meetings is well established from previous years. Presentation of membership certificates to six new members, included four adults and two teenagers Florence & Christian Porcer. Their uncle and aunt, already members of our branch, were there to support them.
Once again, young history talent was highlighted, with the attendance of the winner of the Essay Competition our Branch held in conjunction with Hereworth Boys School. Year 7 student Liam Spence attended with his parents, three younger sisters, and two grandparents. Members made the whole family very welcome and were most impressed with the confident way in which Liam presented his Essay.
Three members spoke on their family history. It was a reality check to us all hearing the hardships their ancestors endured. Firstly, the long voyage, then living in Raupo huts with mud floors. Life was unbelievably hard clearing bush here in Hawke's Bay and the Wairarapa. Connections are very strong between families in both areas.
Photo 1 Liam Spence – winner of Hereworth Essay Competition
Photo 2 Liam Spence with his parents, sisters & grandparents
Photo 3 Kim Stewart receiving her membership certificate from President Paddy Bayley
Photo 4 Porcer family: Christian, Florence, & their father Gregory
Photo 5 Terry & Margaret Jamieson with President Paddy Bayley following presentation of their membership certificates