Hawke's Bay Branch Centurians

The first two Branch centurions were celebrated in 2019.

Another milestone was celebrated by the Hawke's Bay Branch - two more members celebrated their 100th birthdays in 2021. Audrey Densham's birthday was in July, and Isa Anderton's was in October.

Branch Committee members and their spouses took both these wonderful ladies out for their complimentary lunch at The Thirsty Whale Restaurant in Ahuriri Napier.

Audrey's lunch was at the end of July, and Isa's at the end of October. Both ladies were presented with a special birthday card and small birthday cake.

Photo 1 Audrey Densham with Hawke's Bay President Paddy Bayley

Photo 2 Left to right: Paddy Bayley, (Branch President)

Isa's son in law & daughter Don & Judy McDonald,

Isa Anderton, & Richard Bayley, (Branch Secretary/Treasurer)