Wairarapa Branch Christmas lunch

Wairarapa Branch Christmas Luncheon was held on Sunday 5th December at the Services Club in Masterton.

The room had been decorated with copies of Posters which our forefathers would have seen, some of the boats which brought them to New Zealand, a replica of the New Zealand Company flag and a copy of a postage stamp issued in 1940 to commemorate 100 years of the arrival in Petone Wellington. We had also borrowed a beautiful replica of the Endeavour which had taken Mr Kit Allen seven years to reach the example shown.

After we had eaten our main course, President Alan said a few words and then introduced Paddy Bayley our National Immediate past president and Kath Larooy our National Vice President. Paddy's husband Richard was also in attendance.

When the speeches had finished, Alan called on Bill Knowles as narrator, to start the Dramatic Reading,' Making the Voyage' written by Stephanie Drew about the early settlers on their voyage to New Zealand. Other parts were played by Anne Woodley (Woman 1), Jenny Doring (Woman 2) and Alan de la Mare who did all the men's parts. Various hats and other props were used to emphasise different parts. Everyone was spellbound and really enjoyed the enactment. Our thanks to Stephanie for writing a great enactment.

We then enjoyed a dessert and coffee after which the raffles were drawn and prizes chosen, it was time to say Merry Christmas and a safe trip back to the Hawkes Bay to Paddy, Richard and Kath.