Wairarapa Branch AGM held March 2022

The Wairarapa Branch held its AGM on the 22nd March 2022.

A good number of Members attended, and a lively, interactive meeting ensued.

Alan De La Mare was re-elected as President and the majority of the previous committee was re-elected also. We welcomed Geoff Doring onto the committee, with his wealth of experience in governance deliverance.

A new member, Bob Campbell was admitted to the Society and he later presented a fascinating outline of his family history and his personal working life and life history. It is this knowledge which make the existence of New Zealand Founders such a fascinating necessity to remind New Zealanders of their background and whakapapa.

The future of the Wairarapa Branch was secured, and we are looking to how we can emulate the Hawkes Bay Branch in inculcating ourselves into the Heritage of the Wairarapa.

We look forward to an innovative and interesting year ahead.