Once again, the historic Cheval Room at the Hastings Racecourse was an ideal venue for members of the Hawke's Bay branch of the New Zealand Founders Society to meet for their annual winter lunch. 74 attended including National Secretary, Carolyn Adams.
Three new members received their Membership certificates from National Secretary, Carolyn Adams.
Branch President Paddy Bayley showed members the trophy presented by New Zealand Founders Society for the Branch with the most new members during the past 12 months. Hawke's Bay Branch has won this trophy every year since its inception in 2013. She thanked Secretary, Richard Bayley and members for promoting New Zealand Founders Society actively within our community.
New Zealand Founders new advertising poster was on display, and much to the delight of our Committee, 8 were taken by members to display in various libraries and other notice boards.
Our Branch acknowledged centurion – Audrey Densham, who was celebrating her 101st birthday in a few days time. She was thrilled to see one of her daughter's, Rosie Stamper, receive her membership certificate and badge.
Following an excellent buffet luncheon, this year, instead of the usual DVD, members were entertained by Flutist Kathy Fletcher. Her expertise playing a diverse selection of tunes was enjoyed by all.
Photo 1 Centurion – Audrey Densham (101 on 12th July) with daughter Rosie Stamper
Photo 2 New members
Left to right: HB Branch President, Paddy Bayley, Phil Smith, NZ Founders National Secretary, Carolyn Adams, Susan Carswell, Rosie Stamper
Photo 3 Members enjoying lunch