Hawke's Bay Branch Committee certainly had a difficult decision to make following the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle on 13th February – with all the devastation in the Region, do they continue with the planned AGM on 19th March?
It was decided "yes" we would go ahead as planned, but change the format slightly to allow members an informal discussion time to support each other and share their traumatic experiences.
As expected the number attending was slightly lower than usual. In her welcome to the 48 members attending, Branch President Paddy Bayley said it was very humbling in the early days following the devastation, to receive messages of concern and support for our Branch and members, from Auckland, Taranaki, Waikato, & Bay of Plenty, Branches.
Personal messages were also received from our new NZ Founders Vice President Raymond Mudford from Hamilton, and Carolyn our National Registration Secretary, and Kathy Dent National Treasurer.
Prior to the commencement of the AGM six new members, were presented with their New Zealand Founders membership certificates and badges by President Paddy.
In her Annual Report, President Paddy Bayley said it was very pleasing to report that Hawke's Bay branch has continued to increase its membership, allowing for resignations due to natural attrition, is stable at 180. Activities and outings during 2022 were very well supported. Links with other historical and heritage groups in Hawke's Bay including the Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank and the Onga Onga Historical Society continue to be beneficial. It is very obvious elderly members really enjoy the smaller "social lunches" held at various locations throughout Hawke's Bay during the year.
In presenting the Branch Financial Report, Treasurer Richard Bayley informed members how he works closely with our Financial Examiner Michael Nes. Our Branch Financial Statement is now in the same high reporting standard as the NZ Founders Financial Statement.
Sadly it was announced that two long standing Committee members, Andy Duncan and Kath La Rooy were not seeking re-election this year. President Paddy asked members to show their appreciation for the dedication by Andy and Kath by acclimation. All branch executives and remaining committee members were returned unopposed. Very pleasing to have two new committee members, Lois Ward and Kevin Clark were elected.
Paddy and Richard Bayley were warmly thanked from the floor for their professionalism, dedication and outstanding leadership of the branch.
1 New members with President Paddy Bayley (on r)
(l-r) Peter & Rhonda Hawley, David Mardon, Christine McRae, Kate & Mike King
2 Members socializing prior to commencement of AGM