Waikato and Auckland Branch visit to Firth Tower

Waikato Branch invited Auckland members to join them at Firth Tower Museum, Tower Road, Matamata on Sunday 26 March 2023. The event was well attended by Waikato Branch and two members from Auckland. A Devonshire Tea and lunch was served on the balcony of the 120-year old McCaw Homestead situated in the grounds of the Museum with some members dressing up in period costumes. Those attending had a chance to make butter in the old homestead kitchen. The weather was fine and warm making it possible to enjoy a walk around the various out-buildings that form the museum, such as the relocated Gordon School, Okoriore Post Office and the Matamata Methodist Church. Unfortunately, the Firth Tower has been earthquake-damaged recently and is not available to explore while under repair. The museum occupies the central site of the 56,000 acre Matamata Estate which was established by Auckland entrepreneur Josiah Clifton Firth in 1879.