The historic Cheval Room at the Hastings Racecourse was, once again, the venue for members of the Hawke's Bay branch to meet for their annual winter lunch. 72 attended including National Secretary Carolyn Adams.
Branch President Paddy Bayley informed members present, that, along with her husband Richard, they had represented Hawke's Bay Founders Branch at a recent Memorial Service for Joan McKinnon, a foundation member of our Branch when it was formed in 1979. A moments silence by members showed a mark of respect for Joan and her dedication to our Branch.
Members were delighted to welcome branch member Hilary Martin-Chan from Wairoa and her husband. It was their first visit to our branch. One new member and three "Friends of Hawke's Bay Branch" received their Membership certificates from National Secretary Carolyn Adams.
President Paddy Bayley made special mention of the place mats on each place setting. Beginning this month, Hastings city is celebrating 150 years since it was established in 1873. As our lunch was being held in Hastings, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, with the approval of the Hastings District Council, Paddy had made place mats for our members.
On display was the trophy presented by New Zealand Founders Society for the Branch with the most new members during the past 12 months. Hawke's Bay Branch has won this trophy every year since its inception in 2013. She thanked Secretary Richard Bayley and members for promoting New Zealand Founders Society actively within our community.
Following a lunch, guest speaker from Palmerston North, Dr Jenny Coleman, Associate Professor in Feminist History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, spoke on researching the life of "Amy Maud Bock" for her book "Mad or Bad?": The Life and Exploits of Amy Bock, 1859-1943. Amy Bock was a Tasmanian-born New Zealand female confidence trickster. Our members were absolutely enthralled with "snippets" on the power point presentation by Jenny.
The reciting of our NZ Founders Pledge concluded the afternoon.
Photo 1 & 2 Heretaunga Hastings 150th Celebrations Place mats
Photo 3 New members with President Paddy Bayley & National Secretary Carolyn Adams
Left to right: Paddy Bayley, Athol Curtis, Judith Bell, Penny Ellengold, Vikki Hardaker, Carolyn Adams
Photo 4 Dr Jenny Coleman with her power point presentation on her Book "Mad of Bad?" The Life and Exploits of Amy Bock