Hawke's Bay Branch AGM 2024

A very warm welcome was extended to New Zealand Founders National Secretary Carolyn Adams, when she attended the Hawke's Bay Branch Annual General meeting recently. Being St. Patrick's Day, one member came dressed very appropriately.

Prior to the commencement of the AGM, two "Friends of Hawke's Bay Branch" and one Associate member of NZ Founders Society, were presented with their membership certificates by National Secretary Carolyn Adams.

In her Annual Report, President Paddy Bayley thanked her Committee members for their support during another "challenging" year. Understandably, due to the aftermath of Cyclone Gabriel, even though attendance numbers were lighter than most years, most activities and outings during 2023 were well supported. Links with other historical and heritage groups in Hawke's Bay including the Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank and the Onga Onga Historical Society continue to be beneficial. It is very obvious elderly members really enjoy the smaller "social lunches" held at various locations throughout Hawke's Bay during the year. At the end of December membership totaled 181 members, including 16 Associate members, 3 junior members and 18 friends. 37 new members were welcomed during 2023, including 8 friends. Sadly we farewelled our oldest member Audrey Densham (aged 102) in September, and Committee member Dale Ruddick who passed away suddently also in September. President Paddy also asked members to give serious thought to volunteering their services, saying," It is your branch, your input is essential for our continued success, especially in these changing times ahead."

In presenting the Branch Financial Report, Treasurer Richard Bayley informed members our Financial records had been examined by our Financial Examiner Michael Nes, a Chartered Accountant. Our Branch Financial Statement is now in the same high reporting standard as the New Zealand Founders Financial Statement.

Three Committee members, Faye Sherriff, Marie Nichol and Merv Gibbs were not seeking re-election this year. Disappointing to have no nominations received for Vice President, otherwise all branch executives and remaining committee members were returned unopposed. Very pleasing to have one new committee member, David Evans elected. Paddy and Richard Bayley were warmly thanked from the floor for their professionalism, dedication and outstanding leadership of the branch. Members were reminded that Paddy & Richard had officially notified all members they would be stepping down from the Committee by the end of 2025, or sooner. This would depend on when the new New Zealand Founders Society's new Constitution was approved by the Incorporated Society.

Following the Annual General meeting, discussion then took place regarding the proposed changes to the New Zealand Founders Society's future. Members were very surprised to be informed that the National Executive was proposing the date for approval be brought forward from the Annual General Meeting in 2025, to the Annual General Meeting this year! This information had only come to the notice of our President the night before! National Secretary Carolyn, fully explained the reasons for the change and answered questions regarding the new Constitution, especially how the new format will affect our Branches.

Afternoon tea followed the reciting of New Zealand Founders Society Creed.


1 Members socializing prior to commencement of AGM

2 Merv Gibbs, getting into the "spirit of St Patrick's Day"