NZ Founders Society AGM June 2024

The NZ Founders Society held its AGM on 15 June 2024 at the East Pier Hotel in Napier. The meeting agreed to adopt the new constitution when it re-registers under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 on 1 January 2025. The new constitution was based on the constitution builder put out by the Incorporated Societies Registry which was a great resource to ensure that all the necessary extras were included. The officers elected at the AGM and the current branch representatives will act until 31 December 2024 and then carry over as the Committee under the new constitution until the next AGM in March 2025. The Society changed its balance date to 31 December to allow an AGM earlier in the calendar year in February or March. Taranaki branch will host the 2025 AGM.

Some Branch delegates and Hawke's Bay members met on Friday night for a social gathering. The AGM was on Saturday morning followed by a coach tour of the region and a visit to Duart House. A dinner on Saturday night followed. Various photos are attached.