News & Events

25 May 2017

Preserving local history a focus for Hawke’s Bay AGM

Preserving local history a focus for Hawke’s Bay AGM

Hawke’s Bay Founders members attending their 38th AGM at Duart House, Havelock North, in early April, were treated to an excellent summary of their past year’s activities by their President, Paddy Bayley.

Five new members received their membership certificates and were warmly welcomed into the Society.  Mrs Bayley noted that all meetings had been well attended throughout the year and thanked the members for their support. Andy Duncan, retiring Treasurer, received special thanks for his dedication in keeping accurate Branch records over many years

A highlight of the meeting was a presentation by guest speaker, Dr David Barry, who outlined the aims and activities of the Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank. Dr Barry explained, this valuable local history archive is housed in the historic Stoneycroft homestead on the western outskirts of Hastings, and is dedicated to preserving a large array of the region’s historical material in digital format. He said in the regional community there was a wealth of fading photographs, letters recordings and much more stashed away in old shoe boxes and family collections. Most of it doesn’t belong in a museum but it is certainly worth keeping.

Enter the modern technologies (scanning and digitisation) which allow us to capture and preserve these valuable community resources for future generations. In this way, old photographs including glass plates, various documents and oral histories are all recorded and stored electronically. What gives these collections added value is that the resource is a ‘living’ one. People are invited to browse the material and contribute their own knowledge on a subject or object.

“We want to enrich our stored material with the knowledge of the community through user comments, tagging and sharing of information,” Dr Barry said.

Using these tools, a digital encyclopaedia of people and places, education, cultural, sporting, industrial and commercial achievements of yesterday is linked with those of today. The archive is available to the public on a daily basis and the resource is being backed up and replicated across sites within New Zealand.


Stoneycroft historical homestead, Hastings, built in 1875. Photo: courtesy of Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank

New members, Founders Hawke’s Bay, from left: Sue Gay, Jan Larrington, Helen Rowe, Jeanette Trewheellar and Bill Trewheellar.

Dr David Barry  Photo: courtesy of Hawke’s Bay Knowledge Bank

