News & Events

24 June 2019

NZ Founders 80th AGM in Parnell, Auckland - Photo tour by K Forster-Hill, Waikato Branch

NZ Founders 80th AGM in Parnell, Auckland - Photo tour by K Forster-Hill, Waikato Branch

As an attendee at the NZ Founders’ Society’s 80th National AGM weekend held on 15 June, 2019 in Parnell, Auckland, I wish to share some glimpses of picturesque Parnell, a beautiful, historic suburb of Auckland that contains a special village atmosphere and which provides some spectacular views of parts of Auckland City. Others in our Society will write about our meetings and our very interesting bus tour which was organised by Auckland Branch President, John Webster (and it was very interesting, in spite of the inclement weather which came at just the wrong time for part of it).

Mine is an additional article about what there was to see on three separate walks around the neighbourhood – on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning and Sunday morning respectively - and my photos are gathered here roughly according to topic, so the light varies according to the time of day upon when they were taken. My hotel room-mate, and Waikato Branch Vice-President, Miriam Farrell, accompanied me on the Friday and Sunday walks and they were great antidotes to the hours spent sitting in two meetings during Saturday. We very much enjoyed our saunters and I also enjoyed meeting a number of dogs which were out walking their owners so we both enjoyed having some chats with a few locals.

The Quality Hotel, Parnell, was an excellent choice as it provided three buildings of accommodation, conference rooms and restaurant in one complex and Miriam and I had a spacious room with a great view towards the container port of Auckland, the harbour and the bridge in the background:
