News & Events

15 September 2016

New members for Hawke’s Bay branch of Founders

New members for Hawke’s Bay branch of Founders

With their certificates, from left, Sally McNeill, Barbara Alexander, Faye Sherriff, Martin A’Court, Fay Roach and Belinda Galbraith.

Six new members of the Hawke’s Bay branch of the New Zealand Founders Society were recently awarded their certificates of membership by branch President, Paddy Bayley, at a branch meeting held at historic Duart House, Havelock North.

In addition to welcoming the new members, some 70 Founders attending the meeting greatly enjoyed talks by five of their members on their individual family’s history.  President Paddy Bayley also extended a warm welcome to Anne and Brian Woodley, visitors from the Wairarapa branch of Founders.

The meeting concluded with a chat among members over a convivial tea, coffee and scones, made especially inviting with the warm spring sunshine streaming into the west-facing windows and verandah of this grand old building.
