Wellington Branch arranged and co-ordinated the National Annual General Meeting for N.Z. Founders at Premier House on Saturday the 25
th of June. We felt very privileged to have the use of such a beautiful venue. Branch members came from Auckland, Waikato, Wanganui, Wairarapa, Bay of Plenty and Wellington. The Executive meeting was held after morning tea, followed by the speaker Dr. Jock Phillips who spoke about the background of early settlers to New Zealand. All appreciated his interesting talk. We enjoyed a hot lunch was served by Chalet Caterers, after which the Annual General Meeting was held.
Adrian Gover (Waikato) was re-elected as National President, Kathy Dent (Wellington) as National Treasurer, Carolyn Adams (Waikato) as National Secretary and Janet Robinson (Wellington) as National Membership Secretary. Paddy Bayley (Hawkes Bay) was elected National Vice President.