“Always be prepared for the unexpected” that should be the motto for any Founders Meeting or Function. This certainly was the case in early February when the Hawke's Bay Branch held their annual New Year lunch, attended by 81 members.
8.30 a.m. that morning the guest speaker had to cancel due to being on crutches following a fall the night before. What could we do at this late stage? Fortunately, during that week, our President had found a copy of a letter by a Napier resident following the1931 earthquake. Written to a family member soon after being evacuated from Napier, it related in quite graphic detail, their experiences during the earthquake. The timing could not have been more perfect, as this was also the weekend of rememberance here in Hawke's Bay.
Just by chance, we had books from our small Branch Library collection on display, and this collection included the memoirs of the late Jock MacKenzie. Following the reading of this very graphic letter by our President, Branch member Sonia MacKenzie read her late husband Jock's childhood experiences during the earthquake. This proved to be an excellent opportunity to remind our members the importantance of documenting their life experiences.
Photo: Hawke's Bay Founders Members at their New Year lunch