On a beautiful sunny winters Sunday in early July 73 members of the Hawkes Bay Branch enjoyed a luncheon at East Pier Restaurant, Ahururi, Napier. Branch President Paddy Bayley was congratulated for being elected National Vice President at the recent Annual General Meeting of New Zealand Founders Society Inc.
A post luncheon address by Founders’ member and book designer, Stephanie Drew was most interesting.
Her subject ….”Writing Your Own History”.
Stephanie began with an assertion that because “we are living during a time of great technological change where almost everything is recorded digitally” we run the risk that much of our personal life history will not be chronicled.
Referring to her copious typed notes Stephanie explained that digitisation could reduce the footprint of our personal life activities and communications, consequently leading future generations into a “digital dark age” depriving us of individual and family material.
It is important therefore that we all attempt to record our life story.
Stephanie engaged those present to draw a river (of life) on distributed paper and to make notes of dated special events on the rivers course. This was an effective albeit elementary demonstration of how one should develop an individual’s life story, or use as an indispensable tool prior to starting a family history.
“Wouldn’t it have been wonderful if our forbearer’s had recorded their lives when they arrived in sailing ships?”
Stephanie concluded by saying, “We should all value ourselves sufficiently to record our lives and have that record edited, printed and bound in such a way that it gives pleasure to the reader and author”.
A clap of appreciation resounded and a voucher was presented to Stephanie by Secretary Richard.
Three members took the floor and gave a brief and amusing reflection of an event in their lives.
Photos –
1. Members enjoying lunch
2. Guest Speaker Stephanie Drew & Branch President Paddy Bayley
3. Secretary Richard Bayley introducing Guest Speaker Stephanie Drew
4. “Concentration Plus” as members are deep in thought with an exercise set by Stephanie.