News & Events

8 May 2015

Hawke's Bay Branch President Retires

Hawke's Bay Branch President Retires

At the Hawke's Bay Founders AGM in March, long standing President, Nanette Roberts, stood down after 19 years in the position. Nanette has done an amazing job at President. She thrived on the companionship she found within Founders, and was very dedicated to making every outing or meeting memorable for our members.

We were delighted to show our appreciation to Nanette for her dedication and commitment to our Branch, with our National President in attendance. It was a complete surprise to Nanette, when she was presented with a beautiful basket of flowers, a voucher and bottle of wine, by two of the original Branch members, Judith Yule and Joan McKinnon. Long time member Elizabeth Gunn thanked Nanette on behalf of all members.

In 35 years that Founders has been active in Hawke's Bay, the Branch has only had two Presidents, the first of whom Peter Harding held the post for 16 years. Paddy Bayley was elected as the new President of the Society.
