News & Events

16 May 2024

Hawke's Bay Branch - Certificate of Appreciation to Merv Gibbs

Hawke's Bay Branch - Certificate of Appreciation to Merv Gibbs
The Hawke's Bay branch committee extended the invitation to present and previous committee members to attend a special “thank you lunch” for Merv at the Clifton Beach Cafe Hygge (pronounced Hoo-ga).  A cafe looking out to a beach and sparkling sea, on a perfect autumn day.

Mervyn Gibbs joined the Hawke’s Bay Branch in 1995.  In 1999 he joined the Committee.  After 24 years of continual service Merv stepped down from the committee at our AGM in March this year (2024).

This was a perfect setting for President Paddy Bayley to present Merv with a “Certificate of Appreciation” and “Thank you card” on behalf of the members of Hawke’s Bay Branch.






Jubilant Merv following his presentation, beside former NZ National & Branch Vice President Kath La Rooy.
