The Hawke's Bay Branch of New Zealand Founders, postponed from March due to Omicron, was held on 24th April. The only Covid Regulation we had to abide by was wearing of masks. Members were delighted to welcome guest speaker NZ Founders National President Alan De La Mare. This was his third visit to our Branch.
Prior to the official business, Branch President Paddy Bayley, asked the forty four members to take a short time of reflection, due to ANZAC remembrance the next day. Members then recited “The Ode”, which comes from “For the Fallen”, a poem by the English poet and writer Laurence Binyon
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
National President Alan, presented two new members with their Membership Certificates and badges.
In her branch report for the 2021 year which had been circulated by email previously, president Paddy Bayley informed members “It is your branch, your imput is essential for our continued success” She “challenged” all members to consider the following questions:
1. What does the future hold for our Branch?
2. Where do we go from here?
Hawke’s Bay branch has continued to increase its membership, now at 180. Fortunately Covid did not impact on any of our activities in 2021. Links with other historical and heritage groups in Hawke's Bay including the Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank and the Onga Onga Historical Society continue to be beneficial.
In presenting the Branch Financial Report, Treasurer Richard Bayley informed members how he works closely with our Financial Examiner Michael Nes. All documents are on a “Drop Box” in the Cloud, accessible only to Richard and Michael. Michael can assess this at any time to check on financial activity. On Line banking for payment of all our accounts is working well.
All branch executives and committee members were returned unopposed, with one new committee member Marie Nichol elected. Paddy and Richard Bayley were warmly thanked from the floor for their professionalism, dedication and outstanding leadership of the branch.
Guest speaker Alan enthralled members with his experiences in the health sector. He had been the first male nurse to train in the Wellington region in 27 years. “The attitude at the time was it was a women’s profession – we were an anomaly, there was no place for us there”. This outdated viewpoint has inspired the title of Alan’s newly published book, “Hands behind your back – just watch! Life as a male nurse.” “I worked hard to show senior staff that there was a place for male nurses, but it was challenged all the way through.” Alan, who was also a volunteer fireman for 25 years, said nursing wasn’t for everyone, but he loved it.
1. Presentation of new members certificate – National President Alan De La Mare with
Joanna & David Jenks
2 Alan De La Mare with his book